Friday, June 23, 2017

Ready for Camp!!!

Hi Campers!!
Is less than 24 hours now to camp!! Have you pack your things?
Few things need to take note:- 
1. The buses will depart at 8am sharp from BCCM KK. So please come early!
2. Please bring some cash. There is a Tuck Shop selling useful items for camp like snacks, foods and GB souvenirs!
3. For water sport, you must wear proper shoes! X slipper! We strongly recommended you to bring Adidas Kampung or old pair of shoes cause it be soaked inside water for some time. Bring extra shoes!!
4. For YL, remember to bring your Pioneer Venture Book!!
We are excited to see you!!!

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Things to Bring Checklist!

Campers!! Below is the checklist to pack your things. 

Captains and officers, do download or share this to your girls. 

Happy Packing!! SEE YOU! 

Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Have a look here! 


Hurry, sign up now! 

#sabahadventurecamp2017 #walkbyfaith

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Camp Activities!

Something you will do in the camp!! 

Hurry!! Sign up now!! 

The 5Ws 1H of Sabah Adventure Camp 2017!

What - What is Sabah Adventure Camp ? Sabah Adventure Camp is the camp designed to introduce girls to nature and adventure where you get to learn survial skills and how to enjoy the jungle.

Who - Who can join Sabah Adventure Camp ? GB girls who are 12 years old and above may join Sabah Adventure Camp. It is open to all GB members around the world.

Where - Where is the venue for Sabah Adventure Camp ? Sabah Adventure Camp will be held at the coolest campsite, OUTWARD BOUND, Kinarut, Sabah

When - When are the dates ? When do I need to arrive and leave ?
24 June 2017 (Saturday) to 26 June 2017 (Monday)
You need to arrive latest by the afternoon of 23 June 2017 in Kota Kinabalu.

Why - Why should I join Sabah Adventure Camp ?
This is an opportunity to meet up with GB members to enjoy and learn nature and adventure together. Most of the activities are allow you to learn while having fun. Imagine that you can link up with more GB friends from all over. It is the coolest camp ever!

How - How can I join Sabah Adventure Camp ?
Sign up now and get registration form from your captain or email us at for more information!


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Our Camp Theme

Faith is seeing light with all your heart when all your eyes see is darkness. 

#sabahadventurecamp #2017 #camptheme #2COR57

Camp Poster

Sabah Adventure Camp is here! Is really happening!!  


Camp Site for Sabah Adventure Camp 2017

Outward Bound is a globally known trademark and its influence on education is increasingly growing. There are more than 60 Centers operating around the world affiliated under Outward Bound International. The Outward Bound World Conference and the Outward Bound Staff Symposium is held every two years as a platform to exchange information on best practices and expertise.  

The center is located 25 minutes drive to Kota Kinabalu International Airport, 30 minutes to Kota Kinabalu city, 30 minutes to Queen Elizabeth State Hospital, 20 minutes to District Hospital Papar, 20 minutes to Papar Police Station and 15 minutes to the largest army camp in the state. 

Activities provided:
Stay tune with us!! 

Sabah Adventure Camp 2017



Find out more:

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Camp Site for 2017 Sabah Adventure Camp

No automatic alt text available.

7.5 km Jalan Inanam Kiansom
Kota Kinabalu

We are an organic park facility which provides a variety of services that can be tailor made to your needs and objectives.
- Organic Garden Tour
- Zip Line and Ropes Course
- Unique Camping Experience
- Teambuilding
- School Field Trips

Set in the beauty of nature, our park facility is also suitable for picnics, BBQs and family days.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Sabah Adventure Camp 2017

Sabah Adventure Camp is back !
Our last camp was in 2012 at Shittim Camp.
It has been five long years, we miss Adventure Camp, don't you ?

Image may contain: outdoor, nature and water

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Testimony from the Philippines

Captain Virene of Small World Christian School, FoundationBaguio City, Philippines wrote to us about her testimony.
The Lord has done great things for us, we are glad. Psalm 126:3 (ESV)
This whole experience has shown so many things to us about God's grace. from start to finish is a story of how God has been so gracious and loving. the quote of William Carey "Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God" has been echoing in my ears and in my heart even before the exact dates of the camp. my prayer was, "Lord, show Yourself great and mighty"...
Praise God for His Grace in processing of papers:3 of the girls didn't have passport so they had to rush the processing of their passports. one of them got her passport, 1 hour before we checked in the airport in clark. 1 had to renew her passport which also happened quickly.
Then, one of our girls was questioned in the immigration because her passport will be expiring in 5 months. we thought we had to pay P50,000 fine or worst, she would have to fly back to Philippines earlier. but praise God that she was allowed to go in.
Praise God for His Grace Providing for us:God has been so gracious to provide all our needs and He even gave more than enough. thank God for His sweet surprises as well.
Praise God for His Grace in Protecting us:flights were smooth and they're even 5-10 minutes earlier. He has been our strength before,during and He will continue to be our strength even after the camp (that's for sure!!!).
Praise God that none of the girls hyperventilated (which sometimes happen because of too much weariness). praise God that He did not allow our foot to slip (Psalm 121) when we were trekking the slippery terrain. Praise God that we had restful nights and safe travels. Praise God, indeed!
Praise God for His Grace in enabling us to relate to people:we're not Chinese nor malay speaking people. we can only speak Tagalog, Ilocano and English. but praise God that He enabled us to relate not only thru language but more thru the love of God. It wasn't easy but His grace carried us through. I miss all the people there in the camp. I wish there were more time to get to know everyone but i know that His timing for everything is perfect. Hope to see you all again someday.

Praise God for His Grace in helping us to know Him and know ourselves more and more.through so many experiences, God enabled us to see more of Him and see our weaknesses and the things that we need to continually learn. He is indeed so great (Psalm 104) that we can never limit Him. He has shown to us great and mighty things we could never imagine.

Praise God for His Grace in our pursuits: God used the camp to challenge me for several things: 1) to learn Mandarin and or Malay, even little by little, to be able to relate to more girls and hope to minister to them God's amazing grace; 2) to start praying about organizing an international camp so that more of our girls will be able to meet nice people like you. please pray with me regarding these pursuits.

all in all, it's a story of God... His grace upon grace, and may He be glorified.
Virene Azarcon
Captain, Girls' Wing
Small World Christian School
FoundationBaguio City, Philippines

Monday, December 1, 2008

What to bring to the Sabah Adventure Camp

The following items are essentials to this camp -
  1. GB Uniform - upon arrival at Sabah Tea, there will be an opening ceremony and an opportunity to take photos with GB from different countries. Please remember its full uniform with that "white shoe and socks"!
  2. A few GB T-Shirts to be worn throughout the camp ! Get ready to get wet!
  3. A few pants (long is preferred) for all activities.
  4. Personal Toiletries (your personal choice).
  5. Comfortable trekking shoes (not your white shoes, another pair), slipper (for toilet use).
  6. Drinking water (1 litre bottle) and to be refilled later. Otherwise you have to buy at Sabah Tea.
  7. Thin Bed sheet or sleeping bag. There are sleeping bags given but you may want to use your personal bed sheet on top of those given.
  8. Cap not the GB Cap (optional)
  9. Mosquito Repellent (optional)
  10. Stationary & Bible
  11. Cameras for your memory (optional)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Final Countdown to Sabah Adventure Camp !

We have 70 participants confirmed for the adventure! Participants come from Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak, Philippines and Singapore . As you prepare to come for this adventure camp, please uphold each other in prayers for those who have to travel to come to Kota Kinabalu.

We will meet at Shern En Methodist Church (Jalan Tuaran) on 4 Dec 2008 (Thursday) 7:30 a.m. and bus will leave around 8 am for Ranau (less than 2 hours trip). Those who are from outstation will be picked up from your accommodation.

On 6 Dec 2008 (Saturday), the bus is due to arrive at Shern En Methodist Church at 6:00 p.m. For our local girls, please ask your parents to come around that time.

Looking forward to see you all on 4 Dec 2008 !

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sabah Tea Homepage

Questions to Ponder Over ????

Question 1
How often do you get to be invited to have tea at the Sabah Tea Garden ?

Through the Girls' Brigade Sabah arrangment with Sabah Tea Garden, you are invited to have tea at this giant tea garden at Borneo paradise.

Question 2
How would you like to sip a cup of tea next to the foothill of the Mount Kinabalu and with some Tea Pancakes for refreshment ?

Please visit Sabah Tea Homepage at for more information about the place. It has organic tea planting and even its very own Tea Pancakes. Check it out ! Its realy very cool deal !

We would like you to be able to say :- I have visited this place, gone to have tea there ! Been there and done it all !

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Green Reasons To Join Sabah Adventure Camp

Need Green Reasons to Join Sabah Adventure Camp ?

Here are just a few :-
  • To understand Global Warming, you need have a feel at the cool breeze mountain weather.
  • To understand how to keep Water Resources clean, you need to be at the rivers under the foothill of the giant Mount Kinabalu.
  • To understand the Great Nature itself, you need to immerse yourself in God's creation.
  • To undertand why we need more Green in this world, you need to be among the greens to understand the importance of trees.

Google Maps of Sabah Adventure Camp

The location for Sabah Adventure Camp at Nalapak, Ranau district is shown below based on Google Maps.
Nalapak Area

Sabah Tea Garden, Nalapak

Nalapak Area

The Road to Nalapak, Mount Kinabalu at the top of image.

Overview of Sabah

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sabah - The Destination

Sabah is one of the 13 states of Malaysia, it is situated at the Northern Part of Borneo Island. Borneo Island is the 3rd largest island in the world, three countries share on this island, they are : Malaysia (Sabah & Sarawak), Brunei and Indonesia (Kalimantan). Sabah has a land mas of about 7.36 million Hectares, it still holds some of the oldest rain forests in the world. More than 50% of the land is gazetted as Forest Reserve, making it like a "green lung" of the world.

Kota Kinabalu is the capital of Sabah. Ranau is one of the 25 districts that made up the state of Sabah. Mount Kinabalu at the majestic height of 4095 metres, is the highest peak of South East Asia.

Sabah is also called "The Land Below the Wind" as it misses most of the monsoons and typhoons from the Northern Hemisphere. It is a land rich in natural resources, fauna and flora, rain forests and wildlife. With all these, Sabah is famous for Eco-Tourism destination.

Sabah Tea Garden - Our Host

Sabah Adventure Camp will be held at the largest Organic Tea Garden on Borneo Island. For the 3 days, 3 nights programme, the camp will be ran at Sabah Tea Garden.
Sabah Tea Garden
Sabah Tea Garden is a government initiatives to develop the largest tea plantation on Borneo Island. Sabah Tea Plantation, nestled into the lush tropical wilderness of Malaysia’s first ever World Heritage Site, Mount Kinabalu, sits on a 6,200-acre land at 2,272 feet above sea level. It is surrounded by the world’s oldest rainforest of about 130 million years. Sabah Tea Plantation is the largest single commercial tea plantation in Borneo with approximated area of 1,000 acres endowed with an interesting plant and agriculture resources, Camellia Sinensis. It is also one of the very few tea plantations in the world that certified to produce organic tea. Sabah Tea Plantation is known to produce the finest grades of tea.
In the year 1976, the state government of Sabah had decided to alienate a total of 6,200 acres of land in Kampung Nalapak to Koperasi Desa (KPD). Sabah Tea Sdn Bhd was then incorporated on April 26, 1978 as a subsidiary of KPD to operate and manage the tea plantation. The Honorable Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad official opened the Sabah Tea Plantation on February 19, 1984.
The plantation is now wholly owned by Yee Lee Corporation (since 1997) which is listed on the Main Board of The Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange since 1993.
The Origin of Tea
The legendary origin of tea drinking has been traced back to the Chinese Emperor Chen Nung of 2737BC, who was also a scholar and herbalist, who discovered this detectable drink when he was sitting beneath a tree while his servant was boiling a pot of water. A few leaves from a tea plant (Camellia Sinensis) dropped into the pot of water, gave an excellent aroma and he found it tasted as good when sipped.The tea plant is essentially tropical and sub-tropical and therefore has wide climatic range. It is found at varying altitudes and classified accordingly.Tea grown at elevations over 1,200 meters above sea level is classified as High-grown and superior in aroma.The tea at an elevation below 600 meters is thick, coloury and distinguished as Low-grown.The Medium-grown Teas are those that fall in between these two elevations.
Activities Available
Educational Tour & School Programs
An enlightenment for students, teachers and parents alike where a better understanding of the nature and environment can be achieved.
• Tea Educational Tour
• Secondary School Holiday Program
• University Student Program
• English Language Program & Tour
Rainforest ~ Fauna & Flora
Over 1,000 hectares of rainforest at Sabah Tea Garden doorstep. All you need to do is just step out of your longhouse or bungalow and feast your eyes as far as you can see. Take a trek into the forest as natures’ wondrous awaits you
• Trekkings
• Special Interests: Birds, Small Animals, Fish, Herbs, Rafflesia, Bauhinias, Orchids
• Butterfly
• Rafflesia
• Night Drive/ Walk or Spotting
Leisure, Cultural & Retreat
The serene ambience is the medicine for pressured mind. The cool evening breeze comforts the body while the lullabies of the forest sound accompany you to a peaceful sleep ~ this is what we have to offer you.
Leisure Tour
• Plantation or Rainforest
• Picnic & swim in our cool rippling riverCultural
• Cultural Show
• Native Cuisine
• Cultural Weddings
• Wine MakingRetreat
• Designed according to requirements
Horse Riding
For horse riding enthusiasts Sabah Tea provides an ideal place for riding which can be done either among the tea plantation or the 130 million-year old rainforests. Challenging trails for competitive riding or endurance race, the choice is yours.
For Non-Rider
• Riding Lessons
• Paddock RideFor Rider
• Plantation Ride
• Rainforest Ride
• Endurance Ride
Mountain Biking
Cycling your way into Sabah Tea challenging trails and meandering in and out of the tea plantation and the rainforest with undulating natural landscape.
• Beginner Ride
• Adventure Ride
• Extreme Ride
Team Building
With the facilities available, Sabah Tea is an ideal location to hold Corporate Team Building Program.
• Camp Site
• Rope Course
Type Capacity
Longhouses 75 pax – triple sharingOr 50 pax – twin sharing
Bungalows 36 pax – triple sharingOr 24 pax – twin sharing
Guest House 12 pax – triple sharingOr 8 pax for twin sharing
2 Conference Rooms 50 pax each
Multi-Purpose Hall 50 pax
Restaurant 100 pax
2 Camp Sites 100 pax each
Tennis Court 1’s
Football Field 1’s
Source of Information :

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Registration Fees

The Camp Fees for Sabah Adventure Camp is really value-for-money package as it covers the entire 3 days 2 nights event. If you care to search out the Sabah Tea website (, you will find that they offer Education Package, Adventure Package at the rate of RM120 per day per person. However the Girls' Brigade Sabah has negotiated for a very good deal for you. This Sabah Adventure Camp package is specially custom-made by Sabah Tea for the Girls' Brigade.

For only Ringgit Malaysia (RM) 350 only per person, you are able to have the following offered to you as a complete package.
  1. Transportation from Kota Kinabalu to Ranau and back;
  2. Transportation to Hot Spring and Mount Kinabalu National Park on the last day;
  3. Special Sabah Adventure Camp T-Shirt;
  4. Full Lodging and food for the 3 days 2 nights;
  5. Education Package by Sabah Tea
  6. Adventure Package by Sabah Tea
  7. Tea Plantation & Tea Factory Educational Visit
  8. Jungle Trekking in the rainforest
  9. Jungle Survival Skills (Cooking)
  10. Team Buidling Activities
  11. Cultural Experiences of Borneon Native - Dances & Food
  12. Sleep in Rungus Long House

This package is exclusively for the Girls' Brigade members, whereever you are! We welcome you to come and share this unique experince with us ! Register Now !

30 Things To Do at Sabah Adventure Camp

Here are the 30 possible things that you can do at the Sabah Tea, the venue for Sabah Adventure Camp. Although in this camp, we have selected the best of the best allowed by our 3 days and 2 nights schedule ! You will get to do most of the list of things here !

  1. Tea Factory Tour
  2. Our Souvenir Shop is the best place to buy teas…
  3. Stop by the Tea House for lunch or light refreshment
  4. Try our signature items: Tea Pancakes, Tea Chicken Soup, Butter Prawns, Organic Tea
  5. Quailey’s Hill & Death March History
  6. Rungus Longhouse Tour
  7. Tea Forest Tour
  8. Guided nature walk up Kamunsu Hill
  9. Outdoor obstacle courses and swim in river at Sapaon
  10. Biking between Tea Bushes
  11. Bird Watching
  12. Batik Painting
  13. Blowpipes
  14. Local Traditional Board Games (chess, congkak, sudoku, monopoly, scrabble, sahibba)
  15. Relax…enjoy the serenity and tranquility, escape the hustle of city life
  16. Night Walk Through Tea Bushes followed by a Campfire
  17. Rhino bettles, moths, giant ants, and other insects
  18. Traditional Dances by Village Children after Dinner
  19. Karaoke or Table Games (caroms, table tennis, mahjong, gin rummy)
  20. A night in a traditional Rungus Longhouse
  21. Sunrise Morning Walk (tea plantation in mist and scenic Mt Kinabalu)
  22. Tea Harvesting (available from March 2008)
  23. Sabah Tea Adventure 2 Days 1 Night Program, Tourism Malaysia’s Best Tour Programme for Educational Tourism
  24. 2 Days 1 Night Sabah Tea Escapade
  25. 2 Days 1 Night Tea School Program
  26. 2 Days 1 Night Team Building Program
  27. 2 Days 1 Night Games & Batik Painting Program
  28. 3 Days 2 Nights Rainforest Camping Program
  29. Overnight after Kinabalu Park, Kundasang, Poring
  30. Overnight for KK to Sepilok/Sukau/Sipadan trips

Sabah Adventure Camp Registration Form

This is our registration form. You may copy the text in black below into word document and print it out. Please fill in and submit to "The Girls' Brigade Kota Kinabalu Group Council" as follows :-

By Email :- If you prefer a clearer form, please send us an email, we will send you the full form.

By Fax :-
Fax N0 :- 6088-413734 Attention to Captain Doria Heng

Cheque payable to :- The Girls' Brigade Kota Kinabalu Group Council
Alliance Bank Account No :- 101960020143400

Camp Fees :- Ringgit Malaysia (RM) 350 only per person.
Camp fees is inclusive of transportation from Kota Kinabalu to Ranau and back; transportation to Hot Spring and Mount Kinabalu National Park on the last day; Special Sabah Adventure Camp T-Shirt; Lodging and food for the 3 days 2 nights; Sabah Adventures Activities by Sabah Tea.


Name :-
GB Company :-
Passport No / IC No :-
Email Address :-
Telephone (Home) :-
Telephone (HP) :-
Any Allergies :-
T-Shirt Size :- XS, S, M, L, XL
Transport Mode :- Road / Air (MAS / AirAsia)
Arrival Flight No & Time :-
Departure Flight No & Time :-
Contact Person in case of emergency :-
Contact Person Tel (H/P) :-

I ____________________________________ (father / mother / guardian) give my daughter / ward to join Sabah Adventure Camp and undertake not to hold The Girls’ Brigade Malaysia, its officials or assigns liable, responsible and accountable for any claims, loss, injury therefore any untoward, incidents, happenings, accident and events unto my daughter / ward.I understand that my daughter / ward shall be properly taken care during the course of the camp and reasonable steps and procedures shall be applied by the on-duty official to remedies the situation in the event of any happening.

Signature :
Date :

Cheque payable to :- The Girls' Brigade Kota Kinabalu Group Council
Alliance Bank Account No :- 101960020143400

Sabah Adventure Camp Tentative Programme

Day 1 – 4 December 2008 (Thursday)

8:00 a.m. Pick up from Kota Kinabalu
9:30 a.m. Stopover at Kundasang War Memorial Gardens (30 minutes)
11:00 am. Arrive at Sabah Tea Garden, Kg Nalapak
Check in to Rungus Longhouses
12:00 p.m. Lunch at Sabah Tea House
1:00 p.m. Fun Team Building Games at Dewan Budaya
3:00 p.m. Batik Painting
6:30 p.m. Dinner at Sabah Tea House
7:30 p.m. Guided Night Walk through Tea Bushes
8:30 p.m. Blowpipes, Congkak, Traditional Games
10:00 p.m. Lights Off

Day 2 – 5 December 2008 (Friday)

5:45 a.m. Morning Call & Sunrise Walk.
Enjoy beautiful sunrise view of Mount Kinabalu and undulating
tea plantation covered in midst
7:30 a.m. Malaysian Breakfast
8:15 a.m. Tea factory Tour & Plantation Briefing
9:30 a.m. Trek to Kamunsu Hill to begin Sabah Tea Adventure Part 1
Jungle Adventure – Understanding jungles &Basic Jungle Survival Skills
11:00 a.m. Trek to Sapaon Survival Campsite to begin Sabah Tea Adventure Part 2
Ø Survival Cooking Skills
Ø Obstacles Training
4:00 p.m. Return to rooms
6:30 p.m. Dinner at Dewan Budaya
7:30 p.m. Cultural Dance
10:00 p.m. Lights Off

Day 3 – 6 December 2008 (Saturday)

7:30 a.m. Check out of rooms
8:00 a.m. Presentation of Certificates at Dewan Budaya
8:30 a.m. Malaysian Breakfast
9:30 a.m. Leave for Hot Spring
10:00 a.m. Tree Top Canopy Walk or Hot Spring Bath (payable activity)
12:00 p.m. Packed Lunch
1:00 p.m. Leave for National Park – Mount Kinabalu – The World Heritage Site
2:00 p.m. Documentary on Mount Kinabalu
3:00 p.m. Leave for Kota Kinabalu
6:00 p.m. Arrive at Kota Kinabalu

Ten Good Reasons to Join this Camp

10 Reasons To Join this Camp

  1. Tour Borneo’s only organic tea farm to learn everything about tea: cultivation, harvesting, processing, packaging, brewing, identifying premium teas.
  2. Sip organic tea and enjoy freshly-made “tea pancakes,” available only at the Sabah Tea House, the restaurant that serves possibly the best food in the Ranau and Kundasang area.
  3. Experience a night in a traditional Rungus Longhouse after partaking in a cultural dance performance by village children.
  4. Wake up early for a walk in cool, refreshing air to enjoy the lush green scenic view of a tea plantation in mist and a mesmerizing sunrise view of Mt Kinabalu.
  5. Learn about 130 millions years old Borneo Rainforest flora and fauna as you trek shaded jungle trails up to the summit of Kamunsu Hill. Examine a rafflesia up close when one is in full bloom.
  6. Have fun in the water and conquer obstacle crossings at Sapaon Recreational Area.
  7. Dare go on a river safari in a virgin rainforest—trek in cool and pristine mountain water of the Sapaon, Kirara or Nahiyob Rivers.
  8. Visit Quailey’s Hill to pay respects to a fallen Australian soldier and learn more about the 1942-45 Sandakan-Ranau Death Marches.
  9. Learn about the native Borneon Malaysian Culture in the local dances, traditional foods.
  10. Take pride to be in the Award-Wining Education Tourism package that has been awarded by Tourism Malaysia as the first award-holder for Best Tour Programme for Education Tourism—Sabah Tea Adventure!

Sources of information from Sabah Tea Garden.

The 5Ws of Sabah Adventure Camp

What is Sabah Adventure Camp ?

  • What - What is Sabah Adventure Camp ? Sabah Adventure Camp is the camp designed to introduce girls to nature and adventure where you get to learn survial skills and how to enjoy the jungle.

  • Who - Who can join Sabah Adventure Camp ? GB girls who are 13 years old and above may join Sabah Adventure Camp. It is open to all GB members around the world. However, registration is first come basis. Once the number is full, we cannot accept anymore registration.

  • Where - Where is the venue for Sabah Adventure Camp ? Sabah Adventure Camp will be held at the coolest National Park in Malaysia - Mount Kinabalu World Heritage Site. It in the district of Ranau, 2 hours drive from Kota Kinabalu, the capital of Sabah.

  • When - When are the dates ? When do I need to arrive and leave ?
    4 December (Thursday) to 6 December (Saturday) 2008
    You need to arrive latest by the afternoon of 3 December 2008 in Kota Kinabalu.
    You can leave in the evening (after 7pm) of 6 December 2008.

Before and after Camp accommodation can be arranged for you.

  • Why - Why should I join Sabah Adventure Camp ?
    This is an opportunity to meet up with GB members from other countries to enjoy and learn nature and adventure together. Most of the activities are allow you to learn while having fun. Imagine that you can link up with more GB friends from all over. It is the coolest camp ever !

Sabah Adventure Camp is here !

Sabah Adventure Camp is here !
It is really happening !

When :- 4-6 December 2008 (Thursday to Saturday)
Where :- Mount Kinabalu National Park, Ranau, Sabah, Malaysia
Who can join :- GB Members who are 13 years old and above
How much to pay : RM350 only !
Organiser :- The Girls' Briagde of Sabah
Closing Date :- 31 October 2008

Any question, email to, we will give you the answers as soon as we can.

We have really limited numbers, please register early to avoid disappointment.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Camp Venue for 2008 - Mount KiInabalu - World Heritage Site - Highest Peak in South East Asia 4095 m

Sabah Adventure Camp is to be held at Nalapak, District of Ranau, which is at the foothill of this Majestic Mountain.
